Sympathy Bouquet
Sympathy Bouquet
Send a gorgeous sympathy bouquet to say “sorry for your loss” it’s the perfect way to let someone know your thinking of them.
This bouquet consists of white and green flowers such as roses, Carnations, Alstromeria, Chrysanthemums, Gerbera, lilies etc. Also lovely fresh polished foliage.
The bouquet comes in a water bubble which can be topped up with fresh water or for best results after a few days take out of wrapping and place in a vase with fresh water and flower food which is supplied with every order.
Please note, the availability of the flowers and foliages may differ due to seasonal availability. Substitutes will be similar in all aspects including quality of the flowers and value.
Sundry items will vary as to availability.
One days notice is required for this item, (orders must be in before 2pm Monday to Saturday) for next day delivery.
This bouquet consists of white and green flowers such as roses, Carnations, Alstromeria, Chrysanthemums, Gerbera, lilies etc. Also lovely fresh polished foliage.
The bouquet comes in a water bubble which can be topped up with fresh water or for best results after a few days take out of wrapping and place in a vase with fresh water and flower food which is supplied with every order.
Please note, the availability of the flowers and foliages may differ due to seasonal availability. Substitutes will be similar in all aspects including quality of the flowers and value.
Sundry items will vary as to availability.
One days notice is required for this item, (orders must be in before 2pm Monday to Saturday) for next day delivery.
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