Rosie's Bouquet is a beautiful hand-tied bouquet delivered in a vase. All flowers and foliages used are of the best quality. This bouquet will consist of a mixture of roses including Red Naomi and White Avalanche and lovely fresh fluffy foliage.
Perfect for any occasion birthdays, anniversaries, or thank-yous.
Please note, the availability of the flowers and foliages may differ due to seasonal and general availability. Substitutes will be similar in all aspects including quality of the flowers and value.
Sundry items will vary as to availability.
One days notice is required for this item, ( orders must be in before 2pm Monday to Saturday) for next day delivery.
except for bank holidays.
Perfect for any occasion birthdays, anniversaries, or thank-yous.
Please note, the availability of the flowers and foliages may differ due to seasonal and general availability. Substitutes will be similar in all aspects including quality of the flowers and value.
Sundry items will vary as to availability.
One days notice is required for this item, ( orders must be in before 2pm Monday to Saturday) for next day delivery.
except for bank holidays.
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