Carnation Basket
Carnation Basket
This gorgeous carnation basket consists of carnations, gypsophila and lush polished foliage.
This basket arrangement is perfect for someone who likes there flowers arranged in foam with no need for a vase.
They are the perfect gift for Birthdays, anniversarys, get well, cemetery flowers or any occasion.
Please note, the availability of the flowers and foliages may differ due to seasonal and general availability. Substitutes will be similar in all aspects including quality of the flowers and value.
Sundry items will vary as to availability.
This basket arrangement is perfect for someone who likes there flowers arranged in foam with no need for a vase.
They are the perfect gift for Birthdays, anniversarys, get well, cemetery flowers or any occasion.
Please note, the availability of the flowers and foliages may differ due to seasonal and general availability. Substitutes will be similar in all aspects including quality of the flowers and value.
Sundry items will vary as to availability.
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